Saturday, June 30, 2012

What is indigestion, Knows it symptoms and causes?

What is indigestion?
• The definition of indigestion is that it is a digestive disorder, characterized by a feeling of discomfort after eating and is manifested by various symptoms.
• Indigestion is very common and it can be occurs in people of any age and sex, but more frequently in adults.

Symptoms of indigestion:
The characteristic signs of indigestion are:
• Heaviness in the abdomen.
• Diffuse in the area.
• Burning in the stomach.
• Frequent burping.
• Sometimes also cause nausea and vomiting.

Causes of indigestion:
• There is indigestion to be a cause chronic peptic ulcer disease or as a stomach cancer.
• Then there are those of functional origin, related to nerve disorders.

How to prevent indigestion:
• The best way to counteract and prevent indigestion feeling is to eat a balanced dictates, eat just to satisfy your appetite and avoiding excess.
• It is also good to take some home and natural juices to prevent indigestion.
• If organic or functional type is necessary to visit a specialist for treatment.

Get more information on Natural Remedies for Indigestion Treatment


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