Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hormonal Acne Treatment

Before going into the details of possible hormonal acne treatment, you need to know What is hormonal acne?.

There are several factors which cause you acne. Hormonal imbalance in the body is one of such factor that contribute to acne and that form of acne is known as hormonal acne.

Hormones are the substance which are produced in the body to perform some specific functions
Different kinds of hormones are produced for different kind of functions. e.g. in male, male hormones are responsible for arousal and in the formation of sperm. Likewise in females, female hormones are secreted which help in the formation of milk.

When working right, these hormones are responsible for our healthy body. But if something goes wrong with these hormones then these hormones become responsible for many diseases. Hormonal acne is caused when there occurs some imbalance in the male and female hormones.

That is why that almost 90% of the teenagers face acne caused due to imbalance in the level of hormones. It doesn't mean at all that hormonal acne can not occur in adults. Adults can also get hormonal acne but the ratio of adults getting hormonal acne is less than that of teenagers.

What are the possible treatments for hormonal acne

when looking to find out the treatments for the hormonal acne, you must keep one thing in your mind that most of over the counter treatments available in the market will never work for your hormonal acne. Hormonal acne is not a problem caused by external factors, instead it is internal imbalance that tells you that something is going wrong in your body. Use of creams over the skin may not work in the case of hormonal acne.

In order to cure your hormonal acne, you have to choose a treatment that cures your acne by balancing your hormones in the body.

The first thing that you should do in the case of hormonal acne is to consult your Dermatologist. Most of the time, doctors will recommend you a miracle acne drug like Accutane which works very well in hormonal acne. In order to get permanent results you will have to take accutane pills for some specific period of time which could be around 8-12 weeks. 

Although Drugs like accutane work very well but they are very expensive and sometimes could cause serious side effects as well. So when choosing the pills like accutane make sure to be in touch with your doctor on regular basis and keep an eye over the effects which can possibly be occurred.

Natural Hormonal Acne Treatments

Along with the medications like Accutane, you can also cure your acne by natural means.
The natural acne treatments could be the homemade acne remedies.
You will have to look after of your lifestyle as well. Get stress free and avoid junk food which can possibly stimulate your your sebaceous glands to produce more sebum causing more more pimples.

For the complete instructions about curing your acne naturally you can check Acne No More


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