Monday, June 18, 2012

Skin Beauty, Collagen Fountain of Youth

All tissues naturally lose collagen, and this is reflected by wrinkles, loss of elasticity in hair and skin, lips thin and brittle nails. Luckily, nowadays treatments are available that provide surprising results

Collagen is a protein naturally found in the human body and is responsible for providing strength to bones, skin, hair and nails. Because it is lost as we age, the cosmetic industry has undertaken to develop an artificial and has added to various beauty products, such as face and body creams, shampoos and nail polish. But its applications go beyond, it is effective in the area of facial implants (introduction of substances into the face to correct defects) because serves as correcting blemishes, wrinkles and expression lines.

Our face is responsible for revealing that we are no longer so young, because it makes visible fine lines and wrinkles, and thinning lips. As dramatic as it sounds, this situation does not have to take away the dream, it is possible to use novel collagen-based treatment, procedure that is located within the area of Plastic Surgery, and the substance is injected into the skin in order filling the area to be corrected to restore its vitality, youth and sensuality.

This necessitates using very thin needle which is inserted with small amount of the compound in the different zones to be treated, resulting smoothing thicker skin and lips, as appropriate. It should be borne in mind that once you complete the process will feel slight discomfort as mild pain, minimal swelling and bruising, these will disappear within a few days, in addition, consider the results of this technique are not permanent, so required touch-ups every 3 or 12 months, although some people find it helpful as a stimulus for your body to naturally produce the protein.

Before undergoing this process is very important that the plastic surgeon perform face study of the patient to determine which areas and how much collagen is applied, it must be remembered that not everyone will look good with her face completely smooth for overnight and / or lips too thick. Subsequently, awareness should be tested, consisting of exposing the individual to the substance in question to ensure that it wills not allergic reactions.

It is important to note that we can reap the benefits of collagen when applied externally, for the cosmetic industry provides us with skin creams, hair and nail polish fortified with protein "youth". Below are the characteristics of each of these products.

Creams. They are fine textured and quickly absorbed, allowing the skin to moisturize, revitalize and nourish, properties that make them ideal for use from age 30. When applied daily may contain collagen which stimulates the body to re-produce it also protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, such as sun, pollution and wind.

Capillaries. When hair becomes porous, rough, dull and difficult to comb because of sun exposure, pollution, pool and sea water, dyes, permanent loss of collagen and recommend these products as they have nutritional properties and leave the hair soft, radiant and full bodied.

Enamels. Solve the problem of flaking and brittle nails by providing strength and elasticity, stimulating their growth.

Note that the above products are helpful, but it is very important not only to feed them through skin, hair and nails, as follow balanced diet is essential to ensure the body to function properly, it must be remembered than by physical appearance always reveals the nutritional status and health.

As you can see, look radiant and rejuvenated is not difficult, just a matter of eating right, avoiding smoking and other bad habits.

Read more on how to prevent skin red spot and More information on natural skin care and beauty skin care product


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