Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Cystic Acne Home Remedy

Cystic acne or nodulocystic acne is known to be the most severe form of acne which can be treated by several cystic acne home remedies. In cystic acne several small cysts or postules are formed on the skin. Theses cysts not only appear on the face but they can grow on any part of the body including chest, back, and shoulders. Cystic acne is also very painful specially when touched or squeezed. Most of the time cystic acne affects teenagers but it affects adult too to some extent due to change in level of hormones in the body.

Treating cystic acne with home remedies.

Cystic acne is a type of acne which can take very long time to be completely healed so it becomes very necessary that you must consult the dermatologist first. If not treated properly cystic acne can also cause permanent scarring. Many technological techniques like laser treatment and chemical peeling have been developed for treating the cystic acne.

Along with such type of treatments, many natural and cystic acne home remedies have also been seen as an effective and safe treatment for cystic acne treatment. 

In this article I will share with you some cystic home remedies that you can use to cure your cystic acne.

Green tea for cystic acne.

Green tea is very famous for its properties of treating any kind of acne. The major cause of the development of cystic acne is the hormonal imbalances in the body and green tea contains some important oxidants which help in reducing hormonal activity and thus help in reducing cystic acne. You can use green tea as a drink or nowadays many creams and acne products have been made which contain green tea a their main ingredient.

Tea tree oil for acne

like green tea, tea tree oil also is believed to have anti-bacterial properties which make it a very effective option in curing acne naturally. Tea tree oil is easily available in the market and you can apply it directly over the affected area. It also works very well in reducing any kind of scars or marks caused by cystic acne.

Honey and turmeric powder for treating cystic acne.

Honey along with turmeric powder could be very powerful home remedy for treating cystic acne. Honey will have a great impact over the inflammation caused by acne and along with turmeric it will help to regenerate new cells and will keep the skin smooth.

Baking soda mask for acne cure.

Use of baking soda mask has been very popular homemade masks for natural acne cures. You can easily make a paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda with some water. Apply that paste on the affected area for some 10-15 minutes and then wash your face with warm water. After applying this type of masks for some days you will feel a good change in your acne condition.

Acne No more = Answer to pure Natural Acne Cure without use of any creams and chemical supplements

Acne No More is an e-book containing more than 200 pages written by Mike Walden, A certified nutritionist and former acne sufferer.

                                                                       In this e-book you will learn:

What is Acne and why does it occur? you will find how to cure your acne permanently without using any kind of creams and chemical supplements which can cause harmful side effects. you will discover how food have an impact over your acne and what foods you should eat and what you should avoid.

For more detail visit Acne No More 


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