Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oily Skin Care Tips Natural

Oily Skin Care Tips Natural - Oily Skin or it could be called the oil levels in the face is one of the causes of facial acne and blackheads face. Treatment of oily types should be extra good in selecting cosmetics or choose a facial cleanser. One-one cosmetics even make the face look dull.

There are a few tips in caring for oily face:
  •  Clean the skin with warm water regularly as well as skin cleanser, and use a face mask with a regular
  • Choose a powder that contains oil absorbent material to the face look fresh and not greasy.
  • Avoid fatty foods, and high cholesterol, such as fried foods, eggs and nuts and multiply the consumption of fruits and vegetables every day.

With the face of healthy and not greasy, you can look fresh and confident in any activity, or maybe you could try the traditional way, of course, without side effects. Are you interested in tips on caring for oily skin naturally?

The following tips are worth a try in order to reduce the oil in your skin.

To reduce the excess of excess oil has traditionally been, because I think it is more efficient, faster and safe without side effects. Celery leaves or can be known by the name of the Apium graveolens which you can find in the market or in your home garden, because the name of celery is not foreign to our ears, its leaves are also frequently made cuisine, and also can be used as medical drugs.

Its use ways:
  1. Take a taste Celery leaf and then cut up into small pieces, and after the cut into small pieces, pieces of celery inserted into a pot that had entered the water to a boil, and let marinade celery heat for 15-20 minutes, after settling for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. Apply water Celery that has been boiled and cooled before to the entire face, let it soak up water and dries Celery. After water is absorbed and dries Celery can be rinsed or washed with water until clean. Use a 2 day 1 time use to get maximum results


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