Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dark Circles Treatment, Causes and Symptoms why it appear

Purple discoloration that occurs lower eyelids. They are not a medical problem, but often common symptoms of eye infection, allergy, sleep disorder or hormonal changes, without forgetting that in their appearance are also determining genetic factors and age. From the aesthetic point of view, give the impression of fatigue, aging or sad look.

* Most often occur in people with a family history, either because that is the pigmentation of their skin or because they inherit the tendency to develop them occasionally.
* The presence of dilated blood vessels or congested under-eye dark circles causes of blue, even green. This is because the skin of this region is one of the thinnest on the body and can see the veins beneath, especially people with thin skin and white. Note that the congestion of the blood stream is usually caused by nasal allergy (rhinitis) or cold.
* Lack of sleep and tiredness dark circles occur in all people, but who are often prone particularly noteworthy.
* Over the years, the dark circles become more visible as the skin becomes thinner and loses collagen gradually (the protein that gives strength to the tissues); as well as blood vessels dilate eyelids, so common in older adults.
* Allergy of eye or conjunctivitis are also common causes, because these problems irritate the area and generate blood congestion, in addition, the person is carved eyelids because of itching and swelling stresses.
* Pregnancy and menstruation are accompanied by hormonal changes, and these, in turn, cause fluid buildup and dark circles.
* Exposure to sun can create this aesthetic problem in people with sensitive skin or women taking hormones during menopause.

* Spots appear purple, brown, dark blue or green in the skin under the eyes.
* Usually accompanied by local swelling, known as bags.

* It is done through observation of the symptoms described.
* By visual examination and tactile and medical history, your dermatologist determines the cause of the problem and provides treatment.

* Rest and sleep the appropriate times, as during sleep activates the circulation of blood vessels and fluid drainage, which reduces inflammation eyelids.
* Avoid scratching the eyes, both for the damage to these organs is generated to prevent inflammation of the delicate skin around them.
* Timely address diseases such as colds, allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis.
* Try not to expose to the sun for extended periods when carrying out hormone replacement therapy for menopause.
* People with sensitive skin should protect their eyes with sunscreen and avoid the rays of the "sun king" between 11:00 and 16:00 hours. It is also advisable to use a hat to go outside.
* Carry food that promotes good circulation, which is low in fat, salt and refined flours, while rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and fish.
* Apply special cream to the eyelid skin with gentle massage to boost circulation in the area.

* Dark circles due to fatigue and insomnia can be removed and put to sleep properly cold green tea bags or chamomile on the eyelids, to improve local circulation.
* Which are caused by infections or allergies disappear as the treated or control the disease that causes them. It is therefore essential to consult an allergist or otolaryngologist.
* People with darker skin pigmentation that can develop dark circles by using whitening cream to alleviate the problem. This product should be prescribed by a dermatologist, who will give instructions on its use.
* Dark circles caused by visible veins are difficult to treat, but may improve their appearance using special creams, rich in collagen, retinol or other nutrients. These products must also be prescribed by a dermatologist or, failing that, the cosmetologist.
* In severe cases, i.e. those who do not respond to any of the above measures, it is possible to use the plastic surgeon. The most common procedure is removal of the bags beneath the eyes. Although this intervention did not properly remove dark circles, remove tissue that makes them noticeable.
* It is also sometimes uses laser or filler injections, which cause the veins, are less visible.
Talk to your doctor.

Read more on Remedies for Dark Circles under Eyes and More information on beauty skin care and natural skin care product


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