Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Remove Pimple Marks

It is very true that pimples on the body specially on the face are so embarrassing for everyone suffering from acne and pimples. Studies have shown that people with pimples have very low self steam and lose self-confidence. It creates a psychological impact over ones life. If you have acne then you will be afraid of meeting anyone. You will try to avoid to go out to party functions because of your pimples. All these things take away the real pleasure of your life.

The feeling of being embarrassed becomes even more painful when these pimples turn out to leave marks behind them. Marks are a kind of scars which can appear on your body skin in different shapes and sizes after you get rid of the pimples. These scars or the pimple marks are more painful than having pimples.

However, in this age of science and technology it is possible to get rid of these pimple marks permanently,. There are many natural as well as non-natural treatment options that you can adopt to remove your pimple marks easily.

In this article you will find some of these acne scar removal methods.

Non-natural Acne scar removal methods.


Laser therapy treatment

Laser therapy also known as laser scarring treatment. it Is the ultimate option for the removing pimple marks. It is the last option but here in this article it is shown before all other treatments because the results of laser therapy are guaranteed. It is suggested in the case when scars are caused by the severe acne and the marks are just like permanent scars. when treated, pimple marks are expected to go away in shortest possible time. Although the treatment is guaranteed but it is so expensive too.


it is also one of the non-natural treatment option for acne scar removal . This works almost in the same way like that of laser therapy. In dermabrasion treatment, the older layers of the skin which are affected by the acne scars are removed. After the older layers are removed, new layers begin to form which are more healthy and completely free of the pimple marks.

Acne Scar creams.

If you go out to medical stores you will find a lot of creams claiming to clearing up your skin from pimple marks. These creams are useful for the mild and light pimple marks. acne scar removal creams are very easy to use. You just have to apply over the affected skin. These creams can be easily found over the counters. This treatment option is much cheaper than those two methods mentioned above.

Natural methods to remove pimple marks

Along with non-natural methods for removal of pimple marks, there are many natural methods too to remove scars. Natural methods are more more easy and cheap as compared to those by non-natural ones. Following are some famous techniques for removal of pimple scars.

Tea tree oil use.

Tea tree oil method is the most famous method when it comes to removal of scars in natural way. Tea tree oil is a natural oil which is found in Australia. Because of having anti-bacterial capability tea tree oil is used in many skin disorders. Acne treatments and acne scar removal are two of such disorders.
Tea tree oil can easily be purchased from medicine stores. Just apply few drops of tea tree oil over the pimple scars for some 15-20 days. It will have noticeable effect on the scars soon.

Lemon juice.

Like tea tree oil lemon juice is also well know in removal of scars from the skin. Apply lemon juice 2-3 times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Turmeric powder with water

turmeric is believed to to heal our skin naturally. Make a paste like material by mixing turmeric powder with water and use it as facial mask over your skin. It is most effective in regenerating damaged skin cells which help in the formation of new scar free skin.


Honey is also used in removal of scars because of its anti-bacterial property. It is used in the same way as that of tea tree oil..

These were some well known methods for removal of pimple marks. There are also natural pimple marks removal creams made of natural ingredients like lemon juice and tea tree oil. You can also try such creams which are easily available over the counter. 
In order to remove pimple scars you should also have a look at Scar Solution which is a natural scar removal guide.


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